
Backyard Blog

Summer Time Hot Tubbin’

We know warm, sunny weather doesn’t necessarily put you in the hot tub mood, but what if you could make your hot tub into a cool tub? All of Hot Springs hot tubs have the ability to be turned down and set to as low as 80 degrees so that you can have a nice … Read More

What Hot Tubbing Before or After a Workout Can Do For You

Have you ever wondered which is better…to soak in your hot tub before or after a workout? The answer is BOTH! Soaking in a hot tub can help your muscles heal after a workout and can also help prevent muscle damage before the workout. The best part is that cold water therapy is also beneficial and can easily be done in … Read More

We’re Re-Opening to the Public on Monday, May 18th!

Thank you to all of our loyal customers. You’ve all been flexible and patient as we’ve navigated these difficult times. We will still be providing and encouraging curbside orders and water tests! If you are looking for parts & pieces, please send us pictures ahead of time so we can more effectively provide you information … Read More

4 Tips for Your Next Hot Tub Date Night

4 Tips for Your Next Hot Tub Date Night

It’s Friday night. With limited options right now, you can’t go to a movie or out to dinner. You could just order take out again for the fifth weekend in a row and veg out on the couch scrolling through which Netflix show you haven’t seen yet? That sounds fun, right…? How about we try … Read More

All The Ways To Customize Your Hot Tub

All The Ways To Customize Your Hot Tub

Jets, Water Care Systems, Lighting, Entertainment, And More! Ask any number of hot tub owners what the best part of owning a hot tub is and you’ll get just as many different answers. That’s because hot tub owners have ‘customized’ their hot tubs to fit their different lifestyles and needs. When making their decisions, they … Read More

How to Hot Tub Shop During COVID-19

How to Hot Tub Shop During COVID-19

While it may not be in the forefront of your mind as we all adjust to our “new normal”, a hot tub can provide peace, relaxation, and routine at a time when we need those things the most.

What Can You Do in an Endless Pool?

What Can You Do in an Endless Pool?

Endless Pools have more versatility than any other pool on the market. When we say you can “swim, run, bike, row, play, float, soak, and train”, we mean it!

VT & NH Most Popular Hot Tubs

VT & NH Most Popular Hot Tubs

With over 30 Hot Springs and Freeflow models, we have a hot tub that would be a great fit for anyone, but when it comes to our most popular, these two tubs just have a lot to offer!

Important: Our Business Update

Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we’ve navigated the past several weeks. In response to the mandatory Stay at Home order from the Governor, we are adjusting our business practices to ensure the safety of our employees and our customers.