What Can You Do in an Endless Pool?
Summer’s here and you’re thinking you want to put in a pool for the family; definitely a great idea since we’ve been spending much more time at home.
You’re probably visualizing a traditional inground or round above ground pool, but you can get so much more out of an Endless Pool. More than just the simple fact that Endless Pools are already heated and can extend our VT & NH pool season by months, you can do so much more in these pools. Endless Pools may not have been the pool you were thinking of, but it’s the pool you want to have.
Endless Pools have more versatility than any other pool on the market. When we say you can “swim, run, bike, row, play, float, soak, and train”, we mean it!
1. Swim
I know what you’re thinking, DUH! But in a traditional pool you’ll have to do a lot of flips and turns to really “swim”. With the Endless Pools swim machine or jetted system, you swim against a current, focus on your stroke, and just swim without worrying about walls.
2. Run
Finally the low impact exercise for your knees that you’ve been looking for! Jogging and running in water is better for your joints but also provides a deceivingly intense workout that will get you to your goals faster without putting a lot of strain on your body.
3. Play
These pools are just plain fun! Have dive stick competitions or float around on fun inflatable flamingos; these pools were made for more than just exercise. Kids will have a blast splashing around and they love playing with the different current speeds.
4. Bike
That’s right, bike! The aqua bike is designed to sit perfectly in your Endless Pool and is super light weight for easy in and out of the pool. Take your spin class in your own backyard pool.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg!
Contact us to find out other features of Endless Pools.