The average liner lasts approximately 12- 15 years. It all depends on how you take care of your pool.
The warranty only covers where the liner is welded together on the seams. The manufacturer cannot cover sharp objects that cut the liner
We have chosen Vynall replacement liners due to their attention to details. Their liners that we use are the Dura Wall liners which is thicker on the sides than on the bottom. 27/20 mil thick. For a nominal amount, we can upgrade the liner to an all 27 mil. thick liner. They also feature the Ultra Seam liners which hides most of the seams in the liner.
The sides of the pool gets more abuse than the bottom of the pool. The sun, toe nails, chemicals splashed up on the sides, and toys are some examples.
Call us and we will go to your home and get all of the measurements for your pool. We will give you a quote based on your pool’s size. You choose the liner pattern that you want. We need a 50% deposit to order your liner. The liner should be shipped within 7 – 10 days after being ordered. Once the liner is in our warehouse we schedule the installation. Normally the liner is installed within a week.
Our crew will arrive at your home and start pumping the water out of your pool. The crew will start removing all of the wall and bottom drain fittings from the pool. They will cut the old liner into pieces and remove and dispose of the old liner. Our crew will then touch up any minor spots on the floor of the pool. If the pool walls are steel they will install a wall foam onto the pool walls. The foam will protect your new liner from the rust that has either already occurred or will be occurring in the near future. If your pool wall is not made of steel then you will not need the wall foam. The crew will then install the new liner along with all new Virginia Graeme Baker Act approved main drain grates, wall fittings, skimmer faceplates and gaskets. Our crews will have made arrangements for the water truck to arrive. They will put the correct amount of water in that will be needed to properly set the liner for the faceplates to be installed. The water to fill the pool is not included in the cost of the liner replacement. Once the liner has been set, you can either have the water hauler fill the entire pool, or if you are on town water, you can fill the pool by a garden hose.
This will depend on your water pressure. If you are on a well, we DO NOT recommend using a garden hose. The average pool holds 18,000 – 25,000 gallons of water. That is a lot of water coming out of your well and a lot of time that the well pump is running to fill your pool. It is much cheaper to truck the water in to fill your pool versus draining your well and having to drill a new well or replacing the well pump.
The cost of trucking the water to fill your pool ranges from $175.00 for 3,500 gallons plus $1.00 a mile to $450.00 for 5,000 gallons plus $1.00 per mile. The cost depends on where each company is located. Keep in mind that the water being trucked in to fill your pool is going to come from the nearest water source, the river, stream, pond or lake. The water being trucked in will not be crystal clear water. However it will clear up with the proper chemicals. We recommend that as the pool is filling, bring a water sample in to any one of our stores and have the water tested. You will then be able to treat the water with the appropriate chemicals to get swimming sooner.
From the time you call in season to replace your pool liner to the liner being installed, it should be approximately two weeks (weather permitting.)
Call our Service Department and have them come out and leak detect your pool. If it’s a leak in the liner, you don’t want to wait on it. Waiting until spring can end up costing you an entire new liner versus a patch on the liner. If there is a leak in the plumbing, our Service Technicians can run new plumbing lines and fix your pool before it becomes catastrophic to the entire pool.
Fall is the best time since the underground water table is normally lower in the fall versus in the spring with all of the snow melt. Ultimately, the best time is when you need it. The longer you wait the more damage is occurring underground.
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